Medium Rare @ Ruisseau Créole (Updated)

Hey guys,
I’m back with another foodie post about Medium Rare.
If you’ve visited my blog before, you might have seen my previous
post about them which was written in November of last year.
You can view it here: Medium Rare
Ever since, I’ve been given a DSLR camera (which I’m still learning how to use lol)
 AND Medium Rare has moved to a new location.
So I thought it’d be nice to take this opportunity to write another post with nicer pictures 😀
They now have a website:,
and a facebook page: Medium Rare Steakhouse
Don’t forget to check it out and like their page!
Now to get into it….
I love the new place. It has a totally different ambiance from the old place.
It’s brighter, more cozy and is overall much nicer.
I wasn’t able to take many pictures as the restaurant was filling up so fast
and I didn’t want to disturb the other diners. It was nice to see that they were
chock-a-block even on a weeknight 😀
For more pictures of the place, check out their Facebook pictures.
They still have art up on their walls which are for sale.
(To see more: Art for Sale)



This is what their menu looks like. I think they’ve made a few changes
and have added on a few new dishes.
Our table.


I ordered an iced coffee. I had been dying for one for ages and
was happy that they had it 😀 Very enjoyable.
Mum ordered a Phoenix Fresh.



Free bread!! Yum 🙂




Mum ordered the Seafood Combo which includes
fish, prawns and calamari with tartar sauce + rice and chips.
She said it was the best meal she’d had in a long time.



This is what I ordered. BEST PORK RIBS EVER.
They were so tender and juicy and omg they were just so good!!!
I took the mini portion and it was more than enough to fill me up.
Next time I go, I’ll be torn between the ribs and the burgers.
Wish I could have both!! Haha
I also ordered my favourite garlic sauce which I drizzled over the chips.


Yummy greek salad
And this is the side dish (vegetables of the day) we ordered;
spinach and pumpkin.
This is definitely one of my favourite restaurants.
Please check them out. You won’t regret it 😉
Hope you enjoyed this post.


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