It’s been ages since I’ve done a foodie post! I haven’t been to any new places recently and ever since that really bad experience at Vidae Caffe, I’ve lost all faith in eating out.
My mum and I went to the dentist 1 or 2 weeks ago and she saw an ad while reading a magazine in the waiting room about this South African owned restaurant called Medium Rare. Apparently they have the best burgers and salads so today after work we decided to check them out.
As soon as we walked in, we were welcomed straight away and that was quite refreshing compared to some other restaurants we’ve been to lately. What most restaurants in Mauritius lack is good service and just good old manners. We’ve been to so many places where the food was good but the service totally put us off ever going back there!
(Just on a side note, went to McD’s yesterday, who are known for their piping hot delicious crispy fresh fries. The fries we got were just horrible, looked as if they’ve been fried twice. I should’ve taken a picture. We saw the “manager” who was at that moment training her staff on another table. She was sitting with her back to us and was leaning, her whole upper torso was on the table and her butt in the air with her crack virtually showing. That inspired VERY little confidence. Anyway we called her over and showed her the fries and she simply said that she’s very sorry but they HAVE been getting problems with their suppliers and they are trying to fix the problem. And that was all she had to say. Like it was OUR problem that they were having problems with their suppliers. Least they could do was warn the clients at the counter that they would be receiving goods not up to par with their usual standards. Any professional kitchen would NEVER send out anything that isn’t up to par but who am I kidding? That was just McD’s… in a third world country… Sigh what am I even doing here?)
Getting back to Medium Rare, it’s a steakhouse and does have parking on the side of the building and noticed that people can also park in front of the restaurant on the main road. It is diagonally opposite London Way bordering on Tamarin/Black River.
Here are some shots I took with my iPod. I can’t wait to get my brother’s DSLR camera to take decent pics for my blog lol
Found this very creative. Actually thought it was a piece of wood but found out it’s a tile? lol
Hadn’t had coke in a long time so decided I could indulge
Menu, couldn’t decide between the pies or the burgers!
Lovely decor
This was the painting hanging over our table
Love any restaurant that give you free bread (loljk)
They also have a take away menu for those always on the move
I love all the spotlights
I ordered the Cajun prawn salad. Very tasty and I believe it had capers in it.
I had never eaten capers before and I’ve always wanted to know what they taste like.
Always see chefs use it in Iron Chef!
Mum ordered the Roquefort salad. Quite disappointing but I suppose you can’t pair much with a cheese a potent as roquefort.
And she ordered the chicken shnitzel (oh god Idk how to spell it) and she opted
for the bake potato instead of fries. She says she’s never had one like it
and gave it a 8/10.
I went for the burger! Can never say no to burgers 🙁 Went for the cheese and bacon one.
It was huge!!! Could only eat 3/4. Also ordered a pepper sauce on the side which I drizzled all over the fries. YUM!
I did try to squash down the burger to get it to fit in my mouth but I failed…
lol Had to use my knife and fork.
This is the pepper sauce I drizzled alllllllll over my chips (I know you’re already picturing it in your mind ;))
This sauce was so good. SO GOOD. My life was made the moment I put it in my mouth.
Overall meal was really nice. Met the owners and they’re all very nice too!
It does definitely make a difference when the actual owners have a hands-on approach on the business. My mum told them I would be blogging about them, so if by any chance they come across this post, Hi and thank you for the great meal! 🙂
You guys should all go check it out, you won’t regret it!
like your post…
That roquefort salad looks so wrong! They should've paired the roquefort with strawberries, pears, or roasted peaches. Strawberry-roquefort brochettes are lovely, weird at first but if it's good enough for jaimie oliver…!