Hello fellow earthlings (lol),
It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on my blog!
I hope you all have had a nice Chinese New Year/ Valentine’s Day
(and/or any other holiday that I may not have mentioned).
2 weeks ago, I started this 2-3 month beginners’ pastry course at
MITD’s Ecole Hoteliere and it’s been really nice.
I’ve always had this thing for food (hence, my food posts)
and more recently I’ve been really interested in baking/pastries, etc so I thought
it’d be a good idea to deepen my knowledge in the matter! And who knows,
I might even consider going deeper into this industry.
If not, it doesn’t hurt to know to how make yummy homemade desserts
to share with family and friends!
I’ve always thought how amazing it must feel to be a really good cook/chef.
To have people appreciate your food must feel incredible!!
The crepe recipe that I am used to using is just your basic flour, eggs, milk, water and butter.
BUT this recipe given to me by my “teacher”, Chef S, has all of those
PLUS beer and SPRITE!!
I have heard of adding beer to the recipe but SPRITE! I was just like WHOA.
Just this one fact made me really appreciate going to this pastry course.
There is just so much to learn and I’m just soaking it all in like a big fat sponge 😀 😀
Let’s get to it!
250g (all-purpose) flour
Pinch of salt
25g sugar
3 eggs
500ml milk (OR 300ml milk, 100ml beer, 100ml Sprite)
40g melted butter/oil
Splash of vanilla essence
Oil (+ brush, for cooking)
Just mix it all together and avoid any lumps! Nobody likes a lumpy crepes.
*I didn’t have any beer at home so I just used 250ml milk and 250ml Sprite*
Here are some pictures that I took (with the long-awaited dslr camera
my brother sent over for me! Thanks Ga!!!).
I’m a very new user so please excuse the noobness of the pictures!
Enjoy! 🙂
The secret with these crepes, is to wait for the edges to brown then flip it over.
Tada! Isn’t it just beautiful??
The crepes is seriously good enough to eat on its own without any condiments!
But of course, you gotta have them 😉
These are my 3 favourites.
So first up, strawberry jam….
Now for some nutella…
I like how the edges crisp up 😀
Last, golden syrup and my favourite.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and there will surely be more recipe posts coming up!
This might be off topic 😛
Do join the fb group of Mauritian Bloggers if you have not till now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mauritianbloggers/
Thanks 🙂